Andrea Facco Eliana Valentini

The Ballroom Sessions in 4 Photos and 2 Videos

This year at the Italian Fusion Festival we proposed language, music and dance workshops and two acoustic sessions with two of the best musicians in Dublin.

3:30 PM Workshop Irish Trad DanceIrish Dance

4:30 PM Workshop The secret of Italian gestures

italian body language

5:30 PM Workshop Uilleann Pipe

6:30 PM Workshop Traditional Dance from the South of Italy

7:30 PM Andrea Facco

8:30 PM Sean Whelan

Francesco Turrisi Trio

The Loft Lineup 2018 in 6 Videos








Photos Edition 2018

Credits: Piero Cafarelli

Credits: Alessandra Luppino


Winners Gift Vouchers 2018

The winner of the Italian Fusion Festival 2018 edition are:
  • Rafika Kelly
  • Matilde Kostmann
  • Xun Liu
  • Cristina Bernardis

Breakfast/Lunch for Two

  • Tom Brennan

Italian Dinner for Two

  • Ercole Rocca
Short-Video Competition

Winner Short-Video Competition 2018

Short-video-competition-Italian-Fusion-Festival-2018My Red Hot Car by Max Boccalari is the winner of the Short-Video Competition at the Italian Fusion Festival.

Max Boccalari is a 360-degree multidisciplinary artist, his interests are in visual arts, design, sounds and music. Creativity and visions are his focal point of communications, indeed through his art, he communicates his visual experiences, his thoughts and his emotions to the public. Max was born Italian and is in Ireland from 11 years. Max is graduated in Media Arts at Dundalk Institute of Technology.

Realised by a multi-racial group (three from Nigeria, an Irish and an Italian) My Red Hot Car is an interpretation by Max and his classmate in DKIT of the song by Squarepusher. Final Assignment first year of Media Arts and Technologies.

Short-Video Competition 2018 Special Mentions

First Day by Alexandre Vetter (Dublin Filmmakers Collective)