Italian Fusion Festival 2019 Flyer
The new flyer is ready!
Maurizio Pittau is a Dublin-based italian professional specialising in marketing, communication, media and cultural promotion. He founded Radio Dublino in 2013, a radio program for the Italian community in Dublin, and the Italian Fusion Festival in 2017, celebrating Italian and Irish cultural connections.
The new flyer is ready!
In occasion of the International Jazz day Radio Dublino is happy to announce the third edition of the Italian Fusion Festival. This edition of the festival is dedicated to Jazz, the most fusion music of all genres in which Italians are excelling! The music will be accompanied by videos, poetry reading and a glass of […]
This year at the Italian Fusion Festival we proposed language, music and dance workshops and two acoustic sessions with two of the best musicians in Dublin. 3:30 PM Workshop Irish Trad Dance 4:30 PM Workshop The secret of Italian gestures 5:30 PM Workshop Uilleann Pipe 6:30 PM Workshop Traditional Dance from the South of Italy 7:30 PM Andrea […]
Credits: Piero Cafarelli Credits: Alessandra Luppino