Entries by Maurizio Pittau

Vespa Club of Ireland

Radio Dublino is pleased to announce their partnership with the Vespa Club of Ireland. During the Italian Fusion Festival there will be an exhibition of vintage Vespas outside the venue. The iconic Italian design motorcycle will welcome music lovers in an authentic Italian atmosphere! The Vespa Club of Ireland can trace it’s routes back to the 1950s […]

Headtrip Acoustic Project

We are happy to introduce the acoustic metal part of our lineup. This year the Italian Fusion Festival presents the Headtrip Acoustic Project. Headtrip Acoustic Project is a trio of two acoustic guitars mixing lap tapping and fingerstyle + one cajon and various percussive elements. Headtrip Acoustic Project is Zar (Vocal and Guitar),  Giovanni Agostini (Vocal and Guitar), Niccolò Matterazzo (Vocal and Percussions). […]

Radio Dublino and ENIT Joined Forces

Radio Dublino and ENIT (Ente Nazionale Turismo Italiano – Italian State Tourist Board) joined forces for the 2nd edition of the Italian Fusion Festival. Flavio Zappacosta, Head of ENIT London, commented on this partnership: “For ENIT, the Italian State Tourist Board, it is an honour and a duty to support the Italian Fusion Festival. The […]

Andrea Facco

We are happy to introduce the Italian folk part of our lineup. This year the Italian Fusion Festival presents Andrea Facco. Andrea Facco is singer-songwriter from Genoa, Italy. At the age of nine, he began to cultivate his passion for music by taking the first guitar lessons with Giorgio Falco. Search artistically grows with the teachings […]