Corto: Italy and Ireland in a snapshot 2022

A selection of short videos in English, presented at the last edition of the Italian Fusion Festival, combines elements of both Italian and Irish cultures.

Since its start, the short video competition has been an important part of the Italian Fusion Festival, and also an instrument to give visibility to local filmmakers. The participating directors, mainly Italian or Irish, express a real artistic fusion of elements from the two cultures.

The following short videos will be screened:

  • The plait by Chiara Viale
  • Shame by Chiara Provenzano
  • Uberman by Alois J.L. Steinmacher
  • A decent proposal by Cathal Feeney
  • Stage fright by Giuseppe Mirabella

A Q&A session coordinated by Valentina Settominiwill follow at the end of the screenings.


  • Date: Monday, October 24, 2022
  • Address:  11 Fitzwilliam Square E, Dublin, D02 KN81
  • Time: At 6:30 pm
  • In collaboration with : IIC Dublino
  • Admission : Free


Grazie and Arrivederci

I wish to thank the audience for coming to the fifth edition of the Italian Fusion Festival!

This edition was very successful and we are happy about our decision to back live after the live streaming edition in 2020 and the cancellation in 2021 due to the pandemic. We restart in the venue of the last edition in an intimate space with jazz music, short videos… and of course Pizza!  This year we associate the festival also with an art exhibition. Those who participated and would like to send their feedback can also do so by e-mailing

If you are a musician/filmmaker/artist/ poet based in Ireland and you would like to participate in the next edition of the Italian fusion festival please contact us.

If you are a business and are you interested in one of our sponsorship packages get in touch and we will be happy to assist you. Contact us also to become an Italian Fusion Festival volunteer next year.

This edition was sold out very early ad more than 100 people on our waiting list were not able to attend the event. If you wish to stay in touch and know when the early bird tickets are available and buy the ticket in advance, you can subscribe to the Radio Dublino newsletter where we’ll announce the next year’s festival edition or follow our Facebook page and our other social media channels.

We also wish to thank everyone who collaborated with us:

  • The event partner Italian Institute of Culture – Dublin.
  • The music bands Almonte & Molina – A Guitar Duologue, Luisa Annibali Band,  Maja Elliott Ensemble, Antoni O’Breskey – Nomadic Piano Project and all musicians of te Jam Session
  • The filmmakers Chiara Viale, MChiara Provenzano, Giuseppe Mirabella, Cathal Feeney, Alois J.L. Steinmacherwho participate in the short-video competition.
  • Comites Irlanda for the support with the volunteers.
  • Journalists and websites that promoted our initiative.
  • The BelloBar staff and sound engineer.

Last but not least, I huge thank you to the volunteers for making this edition possible. This event was entirely organised with the efforts of committed volunteers who regularly volunteer for the Radio Dublino community project. Thanks to Cristina, Giuseppe, Lorena, Valentina, Luca, Shauna, Daniel amd Luigi!

Stay in touch with us (WebsiteRadio DublinoFacebookTwitterYouTube), soon we will announce our 6th edition of the festival.

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Maurizio Pittau
Festival Director

Maurizio Pittau firma


The Jazz & Pizza edition Lineup 2022 in 12 Videos

7PM – Almonte & Molina – A Guitar Duologue

8PM – Luisa Annibali Band

9PM – Maja Elliott Ensemble

10PM Antoni O’Breskey – Nomadic Piano Project

11:30PM – Jam Session

Short Video Competition

Winner Short Video Competition 2022

A Decent Proposal by Cathal Feeney is the winner of the Short Video Competition at the Italian Fusion Festival 2022.

All videos are been projected on the 2nd of July during the Italian Fusion Festival. The winner was announced during the event and was awarded with a plaque and a small cash price.


Motivation: “‘A decent proposal’ encompasses the true spirit of the Italian Fusion Festival as it really represents a fusion of the Italian and the Irish culture with members of the cast and the crew coming from both countries. The cinematic language develops through the use of a wide range of different shoots creating the right pace for the physical acting that characterizes this work. The storyline unravels through the tale of two voices over and is truly delivered by the original score able to grasp the light and refreshing sense of the urban comedy of the video.”

Cathal Feeney started filmmaking when he joined the Dublin Filmmakers film club in Dublin in 2011. In the intervening period, he has worked on numerous short films in various roles, although mainly as a writer and director. The Interview was his first film followed by Oh. Oh was made as part of a 72-hour challenge at the Offline film festival in Offaly where it took first place. His filmmaking style would lean toward comedy.

Shame by Chiara Provenzano, with 51,88% of the votes, won the Audience Award

Photos Jazz & Pizza Edition 2022

Credits: Maurizio Pittau

Credits: Gaia Garofalo

Credits: Felice Luca Maglione

Credits: Shauna Donnelly