Photos Jazz & Prosecco Edition 2019

Photo credits: Alessandra Luppino

Photo credits: Silvana Benedetto

Julian Colarossi Organ Trio

The Jazz & Prosecco edition Lineup 2019 in 5 Videos

7PM – Brixia Trio

8PM – The Jones Way

9PM – Luisa Annibali in “Compartir” Project

10PM – The Jaffa Cakes

11PM The Julien Colarossi Organ Trio with Laoise Leahy



Winners Gift Vouchers 2019

The winners of  of Gift Vouchers at the Italian Fusion Festival 2019 edition are:
  • Deirdre Daly
  • Ciara Jackson

Italian Dinner for Two

  • Sara Martinez
IFF volunteers

Grazie e Arrivederci

I wish to thank the audience for coming to the third edition of the Italian Fusion Festival!

This edition was very successful and we are happy about our decision to organise another edition of our festival in a more intimate venue with jazz music, poetry reading, short videos… and of course Prosecco!  We will send a survey to the online ticket holders. All feedback will be taken into consideration to improve the event next year. Those who participated and would like to send their feedback can also do so by e-mailing

If you are a musician/filmmaker/artist/ poet based in Ireland and you would like to partecipate to the next edition of the Italian fusion festival please contact us.

If you are business and are you interested in one of our sponsorship packages get in touch and we will be happy to assist you. Contact us also to become an Italian Fusion Festival volunteer next year.

This edition was sold out very early ad more than 100 people in our waiting list were not able to attend the event. If you wish to stay in touch and know when the early bird tickets are available and buy the ticket in advance , you can subscribe to the Radio Dublino newsletter where we’ll announce the next year’s festival edition or follow our facebook page and our other social media channels.

We also wish to thank everyone who collaborated with us:

  • The event partner Italian Institute of Culture – Dublin.
  • The music bands Brixia Trio, The Jones Way, Luisa Annibali in “Compartir” Project, The Jaffa Cakes, The Julien Colarossi Organ Trio + Laoise Leahy.
  • The filmmakers Sefora Castro, Chiara Viale, Marcus Maher, Maria Fiorentini, Joseph Morris, Miro Mastropasqua who participate in the short-video competition.
  • The poets James Marchiori, Merv Nickleman, Massimiliano Bianchi who participate in poetry reading sessions.
  • Laura Rossi and the fire dance performers,
  • Journalists and websites that promoted our initiative.
  • Pinocchio Cookery School and Ciao Bella Roma Restaurant Pizzeria & Wine Bar for the vouchers.
  • The BelloBar staff and sound engineer.

Last but not least, I huge thank you to the volunteers for making this edition possible. This event was entirely organised with the efforts of committed volunteers who regularly volunteer the Radio Dublino community project.

Stay in touch with us (WebsiteRadio DublinoFacebookTwitterYouTube), the next days we are going to share our photos and videos, the name of the winners of the vouchers, the video of the short-video competition winner and more…

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Maurizio Pittau
Festival Director

Maurizio Pittau firma


Fire Dance Ferformance at the Festival

We are happy to announce that this year  we have fire dance performance with live music in Portobello Square in front of the venue.  Synchronised movements on a gypsy sound will amaze the audience with visual and dangerous live fire flames during the festival.