Chilly Monkeys Card at the Italian Fusion Festival

Chilly Monkeys CardThe Italian Fusion Festival is happy to present our new sponsor Chilly Monkeys Card.

Here in Dublin there are many excellent ways of spending your time and eating out is certainly up there with the best of them.

So lets us help you save a massive 30% OFF all your restaurant bills for an entire year and all you need is your very own Chilly Monkeys Card. Chilly Monkeys Card is valid for up to 6 people dining together so you can treat your friends and family. It is really easy to use and there is no limit on how often you use your card or how much food you order.

With a fantastic selection of restaurants for you to enjoy and experience from well-known establishments to some real hidden gems, all on and off the beaten track.

For more info simply go to

The 100 CLUB – Fine Wine and Produce

winesThe Italian Fusion Festival is proud to present our new sponsor The 100 Club.

The Irish buyers can expect to save as much as 70% as the prices quoted are direct from the farm or factory. Transport costs are minimum as you’ll pay with up to 100 other people together.

The only extra cost to the product is a flat fee of 1€ per bottle of wine or 1€ per liter of oil etc as a management fee to International ltd. And that’s it, really.

Just as an example, what would cost you 30€ in a Dublin shop, can be bought for about 18 to 20€ with the 100 club.

An excellent bottle of Amarone can be landed to your door for about 24€. Less than half price!

For more information:

Sales contact: Vincent Healy, +39 3293090447

Saclá – sponsor of the Italian Fusion Festival

The Italian Fusion Festival is proud to present our sponsor Saclà. Some of the many Saclà products will be available for tasting in the Beer Garden.

For more than 75 years in the heart of Italy Saclá has been making food with care, flair and love using the highest quality ingredients. Sacla’, the Pesto Pioneers, now offer a wide selection of Italian sauces in their range as well as 15 different Pesto recipes.

  • Make mealtimes sing with Sacla’ Pesto
  • Hit the culinary high notes with Sacla’ Pesto. Dollop onto pizza, swirl through pasta or spoon over roasted vegetables.
  • Liven up a bowl of pasta or create something sensational from scratch, Sacla’ Pesto will bring real Italian flair to your table.



Italian Fusion Festival Sponsorhip

Sponsorship Opportunities

Still few days to take advantage of our the sponsorship opportunities.


  • Name in title: “Presented by Your Company”.
  • Name in 10+ radio spots.
  • Special PR release announcing sponsorship.
  • First tier logo placement in all event related printed materials and
  • Name in title, logo, link and message from your company on event
  • Exclusive social media postings.
  • Dominant stage banner placement (back drop, roof, stage front or sound
  • 20 entrance passes to the festival.

*Sponsor provides all corporate banners. Banners need to have grommets on 4 corners
minimum. Sizes must be approved in advance.


  • Second tier logo placement, just behind Presenting Sponsor, in all print
    advertisements, collateral materials and website.
  • Logo on event website and flyers.
  • Exclusive social media postings.
  • Mention during the shows on Radio Dublino.

If you need more infomation contact us: