Combo Tickets Sold Out

Combo Tickets 1 are Sold Out

Communication for Dance lovers: Combo Tickets 1, including Standard Admission and Dance Workshop, are now Sold Out.

A limited number of Combo Tickets 2, including Standard Admission + Pizza + Glass of Prosecco, are still available, and a very limited number of Combo Tickets 3, including Standard Admission + Pizza + Glass of Prosecco + Dance Workshop, are available.




Early Bird Tickets

Early Bird Tickets are now Sold Out

The early bird tickets for the Italian Fusion Festival 2023 have all been snapped up, and we are delighted with the success of this year’s event.

All Early Bird General Admission tickets are now sold out. The festival returns to Dublin on Sunday, 22 October 2023.

If you missed the opportunity to purchase the Early Bird tickets watch out for the full-price General Admission tickets. The sale of General Admission tickets starts tomorrow at 9 am.

The “Combo Tickets” (General Admission + Dance Workshop, General Admission + Pizza and Glass of Prosecco, and the Italian Full Experience) are still available for purchase.

Buy Ticket

early bird tickets

Early Bird Tickets Italian Fusion Festival 2023 now Available

Haven’t purchased your ticket to the Italian Fusion Festival 2023 yet? Now’s the time because you can get our early-bird rates (just €10 for a ticket). We have a limited number of early bird tickets for a limited time only, so purchase now if you don’t want to miss out.

Sold Out

The Italian Fusion Festival 2022 is now Sold Out

We’re delighted that this edition of the Italian Fusion Festival has sold out! Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets. We can’t wait to see you at the fifth edition of the Italian Fusion Festival.

We cannot promise to accommodate all requests, but you can request to add your name to our waiting list by sending an email including your name and surname to We will contact you the day before the event to confirm if we have a space for you.

If you want to receive updates and information about the next edition of the Italian Fusion Festival join our Newsletter.


Italian Fusion Festival Sold Out

The Italian Fusion Festival 2019 is now Sold Out

We’re delighted that this edition of the Italian Fusion Festival has sold out! Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets. We can’t wait to see you at the third edition of the Italian Fusion Festival.

We cannot promise to accomodate all requests, but you can request to add your name in our waiting list sending an email including your name and surname to We will contact you one week before the event to confirm if we have a space for you.

If you want receive updates and information about the next edition of the Italian Fusion Festival join our Newsletter.