
Filmmakers at the Italian Fusion Festival

We are happy to announce the final list of videos made by Italian videomakers living in Ireland that will be shown during the festival.

  • Danse Morob Slideshow by Luca Truffarelli
  • Here And Through by Luca Truffarelli
  • According To This Resistance by Therese Dalton
  • Dublin by Concetto La Malfa
  • Dublin 2015 by Ivan Mazza
  • Liberties (Thumbs Up!) by Onofrio America
  • Italian Abroad by Giorgio Paoletti


Italian Film

Italian filmakers wanted!

Italian filmakers wanted! Radio Dublino is looking for Italian filmmakers to present their works during the Italian Fusion Festival.

The videos should meet the following requirements:

  • Schoot by Italian filmmakers
  • Videos should be set in Ireland
  • The maximum duration is 10 minutes

Please send your videos by 31st May 2017 via web transfer to