Italian Fusion Festival 2024

Grazie and Arrivederci in 2025

I wish to thank the audience for coming to the seventh edition of the Italian Fusion Festival!

This sold out edition was very successful, and we are happy about our decision to move to a more intimate venue. Those who participated and would like to send their feedback can complete our survey. We want to hear your feedback to keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.

If you are a musician/filmmaker/artist based in Ireland and you would like to participate in the next edition of the Italian Fusion Festival don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

If you are a business and are interested in one of our sponsorship packages get in touch , and we will be happy to assist you.

If you want to help us organize the festival, contact us to become an Italian Fusion Festival volunteer next year.

The tickets in this edition were sold out early. If you wish to stay in touch and know when the early bird tickets are available and buy the ticket in advance, you can subscribe to the Radio Dublino newsletter where we’ll announce the next year’s festival edition, or follow our social media channels.

We also wish to thank everyone who collaborated with us:

  • The event partner Italian Institute of Culture – Dublin.
  • The musicians Mauro and Stefano (Cosmik Debris), Frank and Andy (Frank Francone Duo), Claudio and Niamh (Jukedom), Giulio and Dario (Julyo & Dario Rodighiero), Marco and Enrica (Duo Ramelli – Savigni).
  • The filmmakers and actors Declan Cassidy, Fergus Keane, Oisin Cregan and Alicia Casu for their participation in the short video competition.
  • Journalists and websites that promoted our initiative.
  • The staff at the United Arts Club.
  • The sound engineer Claudio Mercante.

Last but not least, I huge thank you to the volunteers for making this edition possible. This not for profit event was entirely organised with the efforts of committed volunteers linked to Radio Dublino community project. Thanks to Lorena, Daniela, Carmen and Ilenia!

Stay in touch with us (WebsiteRadio Dublino, Instagram, Facebook, XYouTube); soon, we will announce our 8th edition of the festival.

Thank you for celebrating art, music, and culture with us. We can’t wait to see you again next year!

Maurizio Pittau
Festival Director

Maurizio Pittau firma

Italian Fusion Festival 2023 Crew

Grazie and Arrivederci

I wish to thank the audience for coming to the sixth edition of the Italian Fusion Festival!

This edition was very successful, and we are happy about our decision to move to a bigger venue after the sold-out of the previous editions and be able to include an art exhibition, a dance workshop, and a band coming from Italy this year. Those who participated and would like to send their feedback can complete our survey. We want to hear your feedback to keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.

If you are a musician/filmmaker/artist based in Ireland and you would like to participate in the next edition of the Italian Fusion Festival don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

If you are a business and are interested in one of our sponsorship packages get in touch , and we will be happy to assist you.

If you want to help us organize the festival, contact us to become an Italian Fusion Festival volunteer next year.

The Combo tickets in this edition were sold out early. If you wish to stay in touch and know when the early bird tickets are available and buy the ticket in advance, you can subscribe to the Radio Dublino newsletter where we’ll announce the next year’s festival edition, or follow our social media channels.

We also wish to thank everyone who collaborated with us:

  • The event partner Italian Institute of Culture – Dublin.
  • Mario Sughi (nerosunero), who donated his beautiful artworks.
  • BalfFolk Dublin.
  • The music bands Julyo, Barrio Cubano, Lulu’s World Band, Truma, and Mark Geary.
  • The filmmakers Renee Walke, Chiara Viale, Claire Issartel, Jan Sisley, Silvana Benedetto, Stefano Rolando, and Beta O’Dwyer for their participation in the short video competition.
  • Comites Irlanda for the support with the volunteers.
  • Journalists and websites that promoted our initiative.
  • Claudio Mercante for the backline.
  • Marcus Lester, the sound engineer, and all The Well staff.

Last but not least, I huge thank you to the volunteers for making this edition possible. This event was entirely organised with the efforts of committed volunteers linked to Radio Dublino community project. Thanks to Silvana, Ilenia, Chiara, Cindy, Marzia, Lorena, Beatrice and Daniela!

Stay in touch with us (WebsiteRadio DublinoFacebookTwitterYouTube); soon, we will announce our 7th edition of the festival.

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Maurizio Pittau
Festival Director

Maurizio Pittau firma

Become a Volunteer

Become a volunteer at the Italian Fusion Festival 2023

An unmissable opportunity to be part of the vibrant creativity that makes the Italian Fusion Festival the biggest Italian festival in Europe!

The Italian Fusion Festival is an event that takes place in Dublin since 2017. The festival is organised by Radio Dublino, the Italian-language Irish Radio programme, running since 2013.

The festival holistic lineup spans from jazz, folk, trad, latin, blues to rock music and will also showcase art performances, videos, dance workshop, and Italian food and drinks will be available.


Volunteers Roles

The Italian Fusion Festival is run by a small team of staff; we couldn’t do it without the help of amazing volunteers who assist us with many different aspects of running the festival. Volunteers work in pairs or small groups with the support of IFF staff. Shifts usually last 1-2 hours, and volunteers can work as many or little shifts as they like. Here are some of the ways volunteers help make the festival a success.

Check out the roles below to see how you can get involved.

Pre-Festival Team (September/October): In the run-up to the festival, volunteers focus on Distribution and marketing; we pair volunteers into groups of two or three, with the teams of volunteers distributing programs, promoting events, and putting up Festival and Artist posters. Onlromotion and sharing in social media in this phase are very important. 

Festival Team (22nd October):

  • Customer Service: Volunteers are the face of the festival, they REPRESENT! Volunteers are a go-to point for people looking for information about shows, venue, places to eat, you name it! It is important to have a sound understanding of the festival program and be friendly, enthusiastic, and patient.
  • Ticketing: It is extremely important that we have accurate information about how many tickets we have sold and what our audience numbers are. During the festival, Volunteers will take ticket stubs on the doors. Attention to detail, concentration, and calm are keys; it sounds like an easy task, but things can get pretty hectic when a throng of people is waiting in a foyer, and someone announces that the doors are open!
  • Stewarding: Stewarding volunteers are onsite at IFF shows, looking out for the public and the performers, making sure they’re safe, and alerting the supervisor if there is a problem.
  • Roadie on Stage: Volunteers support musicians and Stage Manager and Sound Engineers. Rock it!
  • Promotion: Handing out flyers/programs and helping put up posters for our different events. Promotional volunteers also gather media – audience quotes, testimonials, and photographs and pass these on to the Social Media team.
  • Photos and Videos. Express your creativity with short videos and photos.
  • Surveying: Volunteers carry out surveys to gather information about how people have heard about the festival. Volunteers ask audience members if they would like to take a survey, gather answered surveys, and make sure they get to the right person. Being friendly, confident, and comfortable with approaching people are all very important.

Please note: Volunteers must be over 18 years of age.

How to get involved

Fill out the online volunteer application form here: Please note that there are a limited number of volunteer posts available. Applications to volunteer at IFF 2023 are on a first-come, first-served basis. So submit your application for consideration without delay!

Volunteers Rewards!

  • Learn new skills
  • Improve your local knowledge
  • Enhance language skills
  • Boost your CV
  • Enjoy great shows
  • Free Entry to the Festival
  • Meet great people
  • You’ll get to know local arts venues and staff
  • Enjoy the free pizza & prosecco!
  • Volunteers will receive the famous Radio Dublino T-shirt.

Grazie and Arrivederci

I wish to thank the audience for coming to the fifth edition of the Italian Fusion Festival!

This edition was very successful and we are happy about our decision to back live after the live streaming edition in 2020 and the cancellation in 2021 due to the pandemic. We restart in the venue of the last edition in an intimate space with jazz music, short videos… and of course Pizza!  This year we associate the festival also with an art exhibition. Those who participated and would like to send their feedback can also do so by e-mailing

If you are a musician/filmmaker/artist/ poet based in Ireland and you would like to participate in the next edition of the Italian fusion festival please contact us.

If you are a business and are you interested in one of our sponsorship packages get in touch and we will be happy to assist you. Contact us also to become an Italian Fusion Festival volunteer next year.

This edition was sold out very early ad more than 100 people on our waiting list were not able to attend the event. If you wish to stay in touch and know when the early bird tickets are available and buy the ticket in advance, you can subscribe to the Radio Dublino newsletter where we’ll announce the next year’s festival edition or follow our Facebook page and our other social media channels.

We also wish to thank everyone who collaborated with us:

  • The event partner Italian Institute of Culture – Dublin.
  • The music bands Almonte & Molina – A Guitar Duologue, Luisa Annibali Band,  Maja Elliott Ensemble, Antoni O’Breskey – Nomadic Piano Project and all musicians of te Jam Session
  • The filmmakers Chiara Viale, MChiara Provenzano, Giuseppe Mirabella, Cathal Feeney, Alois J.L. Steinmacherwho participate in the short-video competition.
  • Comites Irlanda for the support with the volunteers.
  • Journalists and websites that promoted our initiative.
  • The BelloBar staff and sound engineer.

Last but not least, I huge thank you to the volunteers for making this edition possible. This event was entirely organised with the efforts of committed volunteers who regularly volunteer for the Radio Dublino community project. Thanks to Cristina, Giuseppe, Lorena, Valentina, Luca, Shauna, Daniel amd Luigi!

Stay in touch with us (WebsiteRadio DublinoFacebookTwitterYouTube), soon we will announce our 6th edition of the festival.

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Maurizio Pittau
Festival Director

Maurizio Pittau firma

Italian Fusion Festival 2018 Crew

Arrivederci e Grazie

Italian Fusion Festival 2018 CrewI wish to thank the audience for coming to the second edition of the Italian Fusion Festival!

This edition was very successful and we are happy about our decision to organise another edition of our festival in a bigger space with more musicians and several workshops. We sent a survey to the online ticket holders. All feedback will be taken into consideration to improve the event next year. Those who participated and would like to send their feedback can also do so by e-mailing

If you are an Italian musician/filmmaker/artist based in Ireland and you would like to partecipate to the next edition of the Italian fusion festival please contact us.

If you are business and are you interested in one of our sponsorship packages get in touch and we will be happy to assist you. Contact us also to become an Italian Fusion Festival volunteer next year.

If you wish to stay in touch and know when the early bird tickets are available, you can subscribe to the Radio Dublino newsletter where we’ll announce the next year’s festival edition or follow our facebook page.

We also wish to thank everyone who collaborated with us:

  • The six music bands Pointbreak, 
Water’s Edge, 
Headtrip Acoustic Project
, Francesco Turrisi Trio
, Order of the Mess, The Stoles
  • The musicians Andrea Facco, Sean Whelan
  • The workshop coordinators Alan McGreek, Andrea Gatta, Donnacha Dwyer, Eliana Valentini
  • Vespa Club of Ireland
  • Journalists and websites that promoted our initiative
  • The title sponsor ENIT – Italian National Tourist Board
  • The event partner Italian Institute of Culture – Dublin
  • The food stalls Fusciardi and Sweet Sicily
  • Pinocchio Cookery School, Ciao Bella Roma Restaurant Pizzeria & Wine Bar, Bounceback Cafè for the Vouchers
  • National Bus and RailRoad Union (NBRU) for the printing support
  • The filmmakers who participate in the short-video competition
  • The Grand Social staff and sound engineers

Last but not least, I huge thank you to the volunteers for making this edition possible. This event was entirely organised with the efforts of committed volunteers who regularly volunteer the Radio Dublino community project and new volunteers who join us for this edition of the festival.

Stay in touch with us (Website, Radio Dublino, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), the next days we are going to share our photos and videos, the name of the winners of the vouchers, the video of the short-video competition winner and more…

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Maurizio Pittau
Festival Director

Maurizio Pittau firma