Vespa Club of Ireland
Radio Dublino is pleased to announce their partnership with the Vespa Club of Ireland. During the Italian Fusion Festival there will be an exhibition of vintage Vespas outside the venue. The iconic Italian design motorcycle will welcome music lovers in an authentic Italian atmosphere!
The Vespa Club of Ireland can trace it’s routes back to the 1950s but by the 1980s it became non active, back in 2005 after a long and healthy discussion on “Scoot Eireann”, an online forum before social media, a group of enthusiasts from all over the country decided it was time to resurrect the club. The aim of the club is to promote and support the Vespa lifestyle and heritage in Ireland as well as being a vital resource when it comes to preserving and restoring old vehicles, to most enthusiasts the Vespa isn’t just a machine, it’s a social network.
Facebook page:
Special thanks to the vespisti Darren Fox, Noel McEvoy, Stephen Hempenstall, Frank Lynch, Jay Curleys, Derek Fitzpatrick and Ray Davis.
Some Vespas we can see at the Festival:
The Italian Fusion festival is becoming more and more exciting, not only for music lovers!

The Vespa Club of Ireland recently at the Vespa World Days event in Belfast